monthly Dreams decoded


1. If the dreamer is drinking water, this is a symbol for enjoying life. If the dreamer is at presently in bad circumstances,
dreaming of drinking water implies that good times are ahead.
2. Clear, calm water portends happiness, while river rapids or crashing surf implies rough times on the horizon.
3. A waterfall, particularly if there is also a rainbow in the dream, indicates success, happiness, and wealth coming into the dreamer's life.


A symbol for security. To dream of a luxurious home implies that trouble lies ahead, while to dream of a house being built implies success through hard work. A new house foreshadows financial security, and selling a house indicates being relieved of a crushing burden.


Not always a positive symbol.
1. If you are alone holding diamonds in your hand, someone you care for very deeply could be turning cold towards you.
2. If someone gives you diamonds, however, a project that means a lot to you could bring money your way.
3. If other symbols in the dream imply happiness and contentment, the appearance of diamonds could add wealth to the equation. But if the rest of the dream is dark and ominous, diamonds could signify loss. When interpreting a dream containing diamonds, it's important to remember that diamonds, however prized and beautiful, really are nothing more than cold, hard rocks.

Running (away from something):

1. Something in the dreamer's life is difficult to face, and the dreamer would rather run away from it than face it.
2. If such a situation is not readily recognized by the dreamer, looking to the other symbols in the dream should give the answer.


1. False or disembodied teeth portend the breakdown of an important relationship in the dreamer's life - not necessarily a romantic one.
2. If the dreamer dreams of aching teeth, this could be a warning of future health problems, possibly involving the teeth but not necessarily. White and beautiful teeth, on the contrary, portend health and happiness.
3. Broken or decayed teeth imply the need for repair in some department of the dreamer's life. Look to other symbols in the dream to judge which one.
4. Dreaming of brushing your teeth implies making major and positive changes in your life.

1. Dreaming of living in ancient Egypt might actually be a past-life memory. Be sure to write the dream down immediately upon awakening, as an issue from that past life could be coming to the surface of your unconscious mind. Something in the dream probably relates to a concern in the present, and the dream may be giving you important insights.
2. Egypt is a land of mystery, and therefore if you dream of Egypt or things Egyptian there is probably some mystery in your life that you'd like to have resolved. Look to other symbols in the dream to discern what it is and what you should do about it.
3. Egypt is a land where a lot of secrets are being dug out of the ground. What secrets are you hiding? Or are others around you keeping things from you that you really need to know? If the other symbols in the dream support this idea, honest communication with those involved is definitely called for.


1. If the rain is a gentle one, and especially if rainbows are present, this is a positive symbol, foreshadowing the coming of a peaceful interlude and much happiness.
2. If the rain is heavy, this indicates a change in the dreamer's financial fortunes. Depending on his circumstances, it could be a windfall or a major setback.
3. A major thunderstorm with thunder and lightning indicates a sudden and unexpected increase in wealth, possibly through a legacy


1. Using a weapon of any kind in a competent and confident manner implies aggressiveness in pursuing one's goals. Using a weapon clumsily is a sign that the dreamer doubts his ability to attain his goals.
2. Being threatened by a weapon hints that the dreamer feels that everyone is against him. Whether or not that is true, and if true, what the solution is, can be deduced from other symbols in the dream.


1. The circumstances in the dream are very important.
2. If you see the Devil in his usual context - in a pit full of fire, surrounded by demons - then you'd better ask yourself what guilty secret you're hiding and how it applies to your present circumstances.
3. If the Devil speaks to you and seems friendly, then you're going to be faced with a temptation that will prove difficult to resist.
4. If you fight him, you'll resist that temptation.
5. If you see the Devil with someone you know, that person may be trying to manipulate you to serve his own ends.


1. A sense of emptiness, of having no one around whom you can depend on. Bewilderment.
2. Feeling betrayed or actually betrayal by someone who loves you.
3. The need for self-sufficiency.


1. To put ice into a drink indicates that perhaps the dreamer is spending too much time indulging in pleasures and not enough on practical matters. However, to be surrounded by ice, or to sit on it, implies comfortable living ahead that has been well earned.
2. Slipping on ice or falling through thin ice implies difficulties and obstacles ahead, while deliberately breaking through ice indicates new friendships. Remember the metaphor, "breaking the ice"?
3. Skating on ice alone indicates success ahead, but skating with a partner COULD mean that someone is sabotaging your efforts. Or it could mean a successful partnership. To judge which it is, look to other symbols in the dream.


1. Watching fireworks burst into a rain of light in the sky is an omen of great good fortune ahead, particularly in romance.
2. If someone throws a firecracker at you, this is a sign of trouble, probably because of someone else. But if the firecracker turns out to be a dud, that person will not succeed.
3. Sparklers and Roman candles are portents of an increased social life and good times ahead.


1. A dream of contradiction.
2. To dream of witnessing a massive explosion indicates that your own life is going to "explode." Great changes for the better are on the way.
3. A truth is about to come to light.


A symbol of security.
1. If the gloves are brand-new, this symbolizes financial security.
2. If the gloves are long evening-type gloves, or gauntlets, this means security in love matters.
3. Losing gloves indicates temporary setbacks, and dirty or worn-out gloves imply difficulties, but all still imply security in the long run.

Boxer, Boxing:

1. Do you feel as if you're in a "sparring match" with someone around you? If so, dreaming of a boxing match could indicate that it's not going to get any better and you need to take steps to end it.
2. A boxer with a lot of injuries foreshadows a lot of ideas that are going to need further research and revisions. If the boxer is a woman, you're nursing a lot of emotional scars that need more care than you're giving them.


1. Motion, movement away from one thing and towards another.
2. Speed, acceleration.
3. Freedom.

 Church or Cathedral:

1. If a small, rustic church, then the dreamer will find spiritual insight under very simple and ordinary conditions.
2. If an ordinary, modern church, the dreamer may find friends who share his or her spiritual path.
3. If a cathedral, joy and spiritual fulfillment lie ahead.


1. Dreaming of hunting with a falcon implies the need to seek help in searching for something you desire.
2. A hooded falcon indicates that someone around you is keeping things from you.
3. A falcon making a kill is actually a positive omen, indicating that a long-time goal of yours will finally be reached.