Being nake*d in public while dreaming

Dreaming of nake.dness in public: This is a very bad dream. When you constantly dream of being nak.ed in public, it means a satanic embarassment is on the way. You need to pray with holy violence in order to avert it. In the physical realm, public nake.dness is a very traumatising experience and only very few people have had the misfortune to experience it.

Now imagine what it symbolises in the spirit realm: SHAME, EMBARASSMENT, TROUBLE etc

here a friend narrate  personal experience. In his 200 level in the university, now speaking:  I went through a very harrowing ordeal. I remember I had being having dreams of bathing on the roadside and passersby would be staring at me and pointing. I would wake up physically cringing and wondering what on earth the dreams meant. Sometimes I would dream of walking butt nak.ed on the road. I didn't understand what it meant so I didn't really pay attention. I had this dream on regular basis until they stopped. The same week it stopped, something happened. Some guys were grooving by my hostel room window during our Hall Week. After downing a few bottles, they became very rowdy and turned the beat up. I and my roomates got fed up with the rowdy revelers and protested, sternly exhorting the young merrymakers to take their noise elsewhere. This amused them. One of them got a hold of an empty calypso bottle and with surprising accuracy despite their drunkenness, aimed it the forehead of my shrieking roomate. The girl was leaning out the window and warning the boys. The bottle struck the girl a glancing blow and landed in the room. A satchet of pure water followed the calypso bottle. Enraged, the girl took the hot water she had boiled to have her bath and poured it on the boys. Luckily for them, it didn't touch them. Though they were drunk, they sober enough to realise what was happening so they fled, abandoning their musical instruments. All these was happening around 10-10.30pm. I was cooking jollof rice and boiled egg, but this did not stop me from encouraging her as she boiled more water in readiness for more action and retaliation from those noisy niggas. None came.


The following morning, I had just finished warming my rice when the door to my room was flung open. Guess who had arrived? Policemen. It seemed the boys had gone to report the incident to the security men. They accused I and my roomates of 'attempted murder' and 'intent to cause grievous bodily harm with hot water'. They didn't even allow I and the other girls to wear our bras before dragging us by the scruff of our necks and flinging us into the notorious 'Unilag Black Maria'. O, the embarassment!! I was clad in just flimsy black leggings and a faded ash coloured t-shirt, with no bra underneath. The students sorrounding hostels, both male and female came out to witness our humiliation as we were dragged away. Some of the boys involved in the incident screamed abuses at us as we walked shamefacedly through the crowd. My roomate was already bawling like a baby while I hid my face in embarassment. We were locked up in the university security post without food or water for the better part of a day before finally being released. I and my roomies were nicknamed 'ex-convict' for the rest of that semester.

Traumatic and humiliating. angryembarassed

It took him sometime before he was able to connect the dreams he  had been having to the event that occured. 

May God open our understanding and grant us victory in all things. Amen.