Sweaming in the dream

Swimming in the dream:  
Our state of mind can influence this kind of dream, but more often than not, it is a sign of something more
sinister. If I was watching a movie set in watery places, like for example 'The Life of Pi', or 'Hotel Riviera' with that gigantic, sparkling swimming pool, I could end up dreaming about swimming. However, this is a one off-thing. Most times, when you see yourself swimming in the water, it means you are associated with the marine kingdom.

If you constantly dream of walking by a river shore, swimming in the water, dancing some very strange dance moves in the water, attend meetings with unknown people in the water, see mermaids/mermen, own houses in the water, it means you are possessed with a marine spirit. You need deliverance. 

If each time you pray concerning issues that trouble you, and once you close your eyes, you find yourself swimming or you see large bodies of water, then it means your problem is coming from the marine kingdom. Investigate your family background and the circumstances sorrounding your birth. You need deliverance.

If you find yourself wading through turbulent muddy waters, it means trouble is ahead of you in the immediate future. You need to pray hard to divert it. However, if you are able to come out of the muddy water before you wake up, then you will surely overcome.

If you see a stagnant pool of water, it means the spirit of stagnation is at work in your life. Check your life well, are you making progress in life? Are things moving well? Are you where you are supposed to be? Are things at a stand still? 

May God open our understanding and grant us victory. Amen.